Journal of Materials Research and Technology

The Journal of Materials Research and Technology is a professional journal devoted to publishing scientific research on a wide range of topics pertaining to materials. The journal is indexed in the Scopus database, and is available to researchers worldwide. The journal publishes original research and reviews, as well as technical reports. Acceptance rate

The Journal of Materials Research and Technology is an open access journal aimed at disseminating recent research findings in the field of materials. It publishes high quality original papers and reviews on topics relating to materials.

The Journal of Materials Research and Technology is published by Elsevier Editora Ltda, a Brazilian publishing company. It is indexed in PubMed, SCIE (Web of Science) and Ei Compendex.

The Journal of Materials Research and Technology offers the international medium for the dissemination of research results on materials. It is a peer reviewed publication that covers engineering factors, metallurgy and minerals.

The journal encourages authors to share their research data, algorithms and software. It also aims to publish articles that are innovative and practical in nature. It publishes experimental studies, theoretical studies and

The Journal of Materials Research and Technology also offers a call for papers. Submissions are assessed by a board of scholarly reviewers to ensure that the papers meet the editorial standards. After an initial assessment, papers are sent for full peer review. Those that pass are then sent back to authors for checking. After a full peer review process, a final approval is issued. The process takes about 2.8 days.

The SCImago Journal Rank considers the importance of the journal. It is calculated by the number of citations received from the research published in the Journal. It measures the scientific influence of the journal. It is based on Scopus data.

The h-index is another measure of the impact of a publication. It is the highest possible value that can be achieved. The h-index is a number of citations that an article receives within one year. It is a mathematical expression based on the number of citations, and a positive number indicates that a publication is more influential than a negative number. The journal's h-index is ranked at 59.

The Journal of Materials Chemistry B is a themed collection of papers that is devoted to high quality studies in all fields of materials chemistry. It is hosted by an international team of Editors-in-Chief. The journal publishes themed collections every year. Scopus database

The Scopus database is one of the largest abstract databases in the world. It includes a wide range of data, including books, journals, conference proceedings and open access publications. It provides reliable metrics and analytical tools. There are also smart tools that enable users to search forward or back in time.

The content of the Scopus database is heavily weighted in the physical, life and social sciences. It has a smaller share in the Arts and Humanities and Business subject categories.

Scopus' computing speed is impressive. It takes just less than ten seconds to perform a massive sorting operation. This makes it easy for novice users to navigate through the Scopus database. In fact, the website's visual graphics are incredibly helpful.

Scopus also includes a citation searching feature. This is a great tool to discover which journals are most often cited. You can also export the citations into bibliographic management software. You can print or email them as well.

Using the citation overview tool, you can search by journal year, citation type, publication year, and publisher. You can also narrow the results to specific cites. If you have access to full text rights, a full text icon appears on the results page. You can also save the search in your own personal profile.

The Basic Search tab is the default search option when you begin a new Scopus search. You can change the defaults to any of 16 search options. You can use Boolean operators to extend your search query. You can also use the Advanced Search Dialog Box to conduct complex searches.

The database also contains non-English language articles. The content is primarily focused on peer reviewed journals. However, it also offers citations to books, book series, and conference materials.

The Scopus database was developed through the collaboration of 300 researchers at 21 different research institutions. During this time, they provided feedback to help improve the product.

The database was launched in November 2004. It is indexed in PubMed, SciFinder/CaPlus, and Web of Science. It is available as an annual subscription. Pricing is based on the size of the institution. Section numbering

The journal of Materials Research and Technology publishes a wide variety of research on materials, from theoretical studies to experimental ones. It is an international medium for publication of materials studies. Despite the fact that the journal is an open access journal, its contents are subject to the same peer review processes as other printed materials. Therefore, authors are not penalized for making bold claims about their achievements. Moreover, the tidbits of information published in the Journal of Materials Research and Technology can be retrieved in full by browsing the journal website.

While the list of references is a must, there are some other things to include in your manuscript. First, it is a good idea to mention the existence of your supplementary material in the main text. It is not only the most convenient way to reference your work, but it is also the most important to its integrity. In addition, it will help others to find your works in case they were to re-read the paper.

To ensure reproducibility of your work, it is best to include a Materials and Methods section. Describe the materials used in your experiments, the process involved, and any special precautions taken. It is also good practice to include a note about the results of the experiment.

The best part is that you can re-use this information for the rest of your manuscript. A numbered list is also a good idea. If you are using Microsoft Word, you can use the Template tool to create a numbered list. Make sure to use the correct format. For example, if you are using a Mac, you will want to use the comma key instead of the spaces key.

It is also a good idea to mention the fact that the paper was prepared by a team or group of authors. This can be as simple as using the author name and title, or as complex as identifying the specific people who were responsible for the creation of the manuscript. It is also good practice to acknowledge any gifts or awards received. It is acceptable to include family members and colleagues in your acknowledgments. Ethics in publishing

There are numerous ethical guidelines that should be followed when publishing a journal of materials research and technology. This includes disclosure of relevant patents, stocks and funds, and declaring authorship conflicts.

One of the most important ethics in publishing a journal of materials research and technology is ensuring that a publication is free of plagiarism. Plagiarism is when an author attempts to present previously published work as original content. This can be a risk for the reader and the researcher as well.

Other types of unethical behavior include data fabrication and image manipulation. If you suspect that a manuscript contains such behaviors, you can bring the issue to the attention of the journal's editorial team. They can investigate the issue and make a recommendation. Depending on the investigation, you may find that the paper should be withdrawn or that it should be modified.

If a peer reviewer raises a concern about an upcoming article, it is essential that you take action quickly. You can consult with other editors, and you should also seek advice from outside experts. In some cases, you can request that the reviewer decline to participate in the process. However, you should not recommend that a reviewer be selected if he or she is hostile towards the author.

In addition, you should be aware that Frontiers may reject a manuscript if it does not meet its high standards of ethics. This can occur if a manuscript is very similar to other articles already published in the journal. In these instances, Frontiers will contact the affiliated institutions of the authors to inquire about the ethics of the submitted manuscript. It is important that you notify Frontiers immediately if you have any concerns about an upcoming publication.

If you are an author, you should familiarize yourself with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. They are intended to guide you through the entire publication process and prevent you from falling victim to misconduct. You should also be aware that COPE is currently developing a discussion document on editorial decision making. You should also follow the guidelines of your publisher, which should outline the steps you should take in response to a complaint.