From Fearful Circuitry to Enjoyable Software Development: A First Semester Journey of Struggle and Triumph


Circuit theory

Although, according to legend, the circuit theory course was one of the simpler, became my scarecrow the first semester since the lecturer actually a female made things worse for the students. But I must say that my HOD, she was coming out to students very accommodating and perhaps only thanks to her I am with this object abraded she crawled through her ears as he narrowed both eyes more than the final ones papers.

Another plus was the entertaining lectures of Dr Ndidi, who she sees the clock as, as she herself says, “friendly conversations” and not at all tries to discuss students as equals, the curriculum interweaves constant jokes often aimed at each other – but just bored you will not. She even started the opening hour with a light bulb spell ( which is still not clear to anyone ) to see that she is taking the lesson a little with an overview. The substance was presented slowly enough and clearly.

I learned to walk through old papers on half-square. In the end, she was not insidious and with an absolute result of 12 points out of 20 I was still willing to settle for. As far as I can remember, it was about simplification of resistive circuits, loop current methods and similarly.

I only had to work independently on my siwes or ask about them. Siwes project defense it always lasted a few minutes and its content was a demonstration by a student to the lecturer ( simply say something what / how you did in the siwes ). But it was no stress, it was done in a few minutes.

In the subject of Software development technique, I finally learned programming properly language C and Dr Okoye added a lot of things from what I knew. I did too when solving projects, he got very well acquainted with the operating system Linux, in which the easiest projects were to write. I can say that this course was certainly not only one of the key for me in the first semester and it was definitely a great advantage to go into it at least with the basics C language.
