Revolutionizing Education

Remove your kids from the private or public schools you've enrolled them in and use the money intended for their tuition and other costs for their maintenance and well-being, or deposit it in a mutual savings account for your kids.


Why send children to school when they would scarcely learn anything and hardly find what interests them, not to mention that the curricula the schools use are useless and out of date?

From infancy until adolescence, you homeschool your kids before sending them to college.

Get a tablet for your child, and fill it with educational materials, such as audio, video, and ebooks, to get them started on their education early.

At the state library, apply for a library card for your kid.

Enroll your child in a variety of activities, such as athletics, music, and painting.

Get your ward some board games like chess.

If your kid attend school, he/she do so mostly to make friends rather than to learn.

Private schooling costs money and requires time, yet both require assistance.

As more parents choose to homeschool their children, organized classes, superb teaching resources, and cooperative organizations are being created.

