Top 10 smart contract auditing companies and services

Openzeppelin offers proven solutions for secure smart contract development and auditing. Chainsecurity solely aims to focus on ethereum and polkadot-based smart contract auditing. Spearbit is a decentralized network of security experts that offers web3 security consulting services. They bridge the gap between independent security experts and web3 projects that require their services. Auditors have to go through a screening process to become a part of spearbit and get assigned the appropriate designation. When looking to hire a smart contract auditor, you should keep a few things in mind.

In every project, insecurity increases along the way from mock-up to proof-of-concept to launch. Cyfrin delivers solidity, vyper, and evm-based security and supports tools like foundry, hardhat, brownie, apeworx and truffle. It aims to reduce the amount stolen from defi 1% every year and offers a one-stop shop for making web3 more secure, reliable, and accessible.

Smart contract audits are used across the defi ecosystem to provide an in-depth review of a protocol’s code, helping identify bugs, inefficient code, and solutions to these issues. It’s mission-critical that smart contracts are tamper-proof, making audits a key part of any blockchain project’s security process. Smart contract auditing companies are firms that specialise in ensuring the security of smart contracts.

Sigma prime also founded and maintains lighthouse, an open-source implementation of the ethereum 2.0 specification written in rust. Smart contracts are known for their efficiency and reliability, they have the delicate duty of transferring, storing smart contract audit service and keeping track of sometimes huge amounts of digital value. This requires strong security measures to prevent exploits and ensure user safety. An audit has become a hygiene factor in the web3 space, with several hacks and exploits in smart contracts every week. Hacken is a cybersecurity ecosystem founded by cybersecurity experts, big four professionals, and white hat hackers. Quillaudits helped us with the auditing of our smart contract and even helped us with amazing feedback!

Openzeppelin is a cybersecurity technology and services company known for developing its solidity libraries. It was the first cybersecurity company to introduce gamification to identify security vulnerabilities in smart contracts. Since 2015, the company has helped protect assets worth over $10 billion in some of the most prominent organizations in the crypto sector. We combine expert manual review of smart contract code with advanced ai and mathematical techniques to ensure contracts function as intended. Our industry-leading audit methodology, experience and tooling combines a review of your code’s logic with a mathematical approach to ensure your program works as intended. While blockchain projects are open-source, most people don’t have the skills needed to accurately inspect the smart contract code themselves.

Contract is implicitly enforced without any manual intervention. By partnering with antier, you can rely on a team of technical experts with real-world experience delivering end-to-end blockchain services. Our auditing teams always consist of at least two smart contract auditors. They review your code and document their findings independently of each other.