Superscalar k10 30gh s 1700 w kas rxd tomorrows technology today

Superscalar, a leading computation acceleration company based in singapore, has recently unveiled its two latest products, the k10 and k11 miner, designed to accelerate the aleo project. Aleo is a premier privacy protection project in the realm of l1 blockchain. Compared to others asic miners, the superscalar k10 miner is currently ranked as Buy SuperScalar K10 FPGAk the number 173 most profitable asic miner among all the asic miners listed on asic miner compare website. Kaspa acts like an instant validation transaction layer with a pow consensus mechanism. Ideally, kaspa is as secure as bitcoin and acts like bitcoin consensus in its simplest version.

The k10 and k11 not only support aleo but also several other pow algorithms. Prior to the release of the kaspa asic miner, the k10 consistently held the number one spot on the f2pool revenue rankings. The k11 can be upgraded to support zkevm, such as the taiko/scroll project.

With your electricity cost of $0.10 per kwh, the daily profit of this miner would be –$3.64. Your product will update the newest fpga algorithm bitstream for free.

So, do your research and make informed decisions before buying mining hardware. Nevertheless, antminer ks3 is a straight launch from the industry expert bitmain, making it a trustworthy and worthwhile investment. Superscalar k10 is an asic kaspa miner released on january 2023 from superscalar hardware manufacturer. It's capable to mine kheavyhash algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 30.00gh/s

The hash rate of the ks3 asic miner is 8.3th/s with 3188 watts of power consumption at a 0.38 j/ghs power efficiency. Overall, the antminer ks3 launch is big news and will be welcomed by cryptocurrency miners worldwide. All orders will be dispatched as per delivery batch in order.